Malaysia Stamp & Philately Reference Guide


Freedom From Hunger

+ Issue Date     : 21/03/1963
+ Classification : Postage Stamp
+ Printer        : Hélio Courvoisier S.A., La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland
+ Printing       : Photogravure
+ Paper          : Granite Paper
+ Watermark      : Unwatermarked
+ Perforations   : 11½
+ Separations    : Normal Perforations
+ Gum Type       : Gum
+ Shape          : Rectangular
+ Orientation    : Horizontal
FAO 'Freedom From Hunger' campaign.

Granite paper has colored (typically red and/or blue) silk fibers added to the furnish. Another name for granite paper was silurian paper as it only contained blue fibers and the paper was bluish-gray.