Malaysia Stamp & Philately Reference Guide


Singapore National Day 1962

+ Issue Date     : 03/06/1962
+ Classification : Postage Stamp
+ Emission       : Commemorative
+ Printer        : Hélio Courvoisier S.A., La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland
+ Printing       : Photogravure
+ Watermark      : Unwatermarked
+ Perforations   : 11½ x 13¾
+ Separations    : Normal Perforations
+ Gum Type       : Gum
+ Shape          : Rectangular
+ Orientation    : Horizontal
Appointed Minister for Finance in 1959, Dr Goh Keng Swee introduced an industrialisation programme with the aim of creating jobs for Singaporeans. Jurong, a swampy wasteland at the time, was transformed into Singapore's first industrial estate. To jumpstart the area’s development, he offered incentives and drew in foreign investments. He also initiated the setting up of the Economic Development Board (EDB), which was established in August 1961 with the purpose of furthering the economic development of Singapore by attracting foreign investments.

On 3rd June 1962, two stamps with the same denominations as previous two sets were issued. Each had a toothed industrial wheel with a labourer pushing it over a map of Singapore symbolizing of labour's role in building the nation and skilled labour turning the wheel of industrialisation. This set of stamps reflected the Industrialisation and Workforce of Singapore.