Malaysia Stamp & Philately Reference Guide


Singapore National Day 1963

+ Issue Date     : 03/06/1963
+ Classification : Postage Stamp
+ Emission       : Commemorative
+ Printer        : Harrison & Sons, Limited
+ Printing       : Photogravure
+ Watermark      : Block CA
+ Perforations   : 12½
+ Separations    : Normal Perforations
+ Gum Type       : Gum
+ Shape          : Rectangular
+ Orientation    : Horizontal
The colonial government did not totally clear the slums of Singapore despite setting up Singapore Improvement Thrust (SIT). In 1960, The Mr Lim Kim San  was the chairman of the Housing and Development Board (HDB). It was to take over SIT. In 1962, he established the low cost housing units. The homes for the homeless went up so fast that it could be recorded in the Guinness Book of Records as the fastest number of flats built per month. An anecdote recorded was when he was visiting one of the slums in Chinatown, he noticed a man covering himself with a blanket in a bed under a staircase. He asked him if he was sick. The man most respectfully replied that he had only an underwear with him and did not want to feel embarrass welcoming the minister in his underwear. His brother and he shared a pair of pants. His brother had worn the pants in the morning shift after taking over from him who worked in the night shift. That incident struck Mr Lim hard. He had to build lost cost housing fast for the homeless.

On 3rd National Day 1963, a set of two stamps with the same 4 cent and 10 cent denominations were issued. It showed blocked of flats of goverment housing project towering above the slums in the distance.

The last issue, National Day '63 featured housing for the masses as living conditions in those days were still generally appalling and squalid.