Malaysia Stamp & Philately Reference Guide


1921-1933 King George V - Definitive II

+ Issue Date     : 1921
+ Classification : Postage Stamp
+ Emission       : Definitive / General Issue
+ Printer        : De La Rue & Co, Limited
+ Watermark      : Multiple Script CA
+ Perforations   : 14
+ Separations    : Normal Perforations
+ Gum Type       : Gum
+ Shape          : Rectangular
+ Orientation    : Vertical
Die I

There is a white 'bud' on the outer side of the main stem of the curved ornaments in each lower corner.

Die II

The 'bud' has been removed from the outer curve of the ornaments in each corner.

Type I & Type II

Two types of duty plate for 25¢. Type II differs from Type I as follow:

1. The shading at the back of the figure '2' extends round the curve.
2. Two background lines above the figure '5'.
3. 'C' is closer to '5'.
4. 'STRAITS SETTLEMENTS' is in taller letters.